Post-Internet Toronto - a curated comic and zine display by Kim Jooha
with help from Arts Council Korea, The Beguiling and Canada Comics Open Library

This small “exhibition” is a "public open library" that highlights Toronto comics networks/communities that produce, distribute, and appreciate them, especially of the last decade. I refer to this period as “Post-Internet” (interchangeable with Post-Digital in some literature), as it coincides with the mainstream adoption of smartphones and social media. Through this show, I strive to:
- Develop a critical histor(iograph)y of independent comics by examining Toronto/Canadian comics networks/communities as examples of art as a collective activity/process that includes mediators like publishers, printers, distributors, fair organizers, librarians, critics, and retailers, rather than a product of a singular genius who stands apart from society; and
- Investigate the dialectics of technology and visual culture by surveying Post-Internet comics. Previously I have argued that comics are the quintessential Post-Internet media and studied how Post-Internet aesthetics are negotiated in comics as new genres such as Navigating Space Comics, Structural Comics, Deskilled Comics (including memes), Conceptual Comics, and Comics of Affect (Materiality, Corporeality/Embodiment/Body, and Sensation).
Click here to read more of Kim Jooha’s introductary text.